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The high school musicians from Cascade performed at the District Music Festival April 11-12 in Great Falls. There were 8 solos or ensembles that performed on Friday and all did very well. Those that earned a "I" (Superior) qualify to go on to the State Music Festival on May 3-4 in Helena. 

All of our student musicians earned praise from their adjudicators and got good tips on how to become better musicians. After they performed their music the adjudicators worked with the students, and our young musicians learned a lot from this experience. Our Cascade musicians are doing great work.

The Concert Band earned a Superior (I) rating in the prepared music and Excellent (II) on sight reading. Mr. Skogley is very proud of the performances of the Band (large groups do not advance to the State Music Festival regardless of their ratings) as well as our soloists and ensemble members. What a great bunch of kids to teach!


The ratings used at Music Festivals are:

A superior performance - Outstanding in nearly every detail

An excellent performance -

Minor defects

A good performance - lacking finesse and/or interpretation

A fair performance -

>basic weaknesses

A poor performance - unsatisfactory






Here are the results of our Festival events, listed in chronological order of performance.



Events at University of Providence

Rating Performer Title Room
I Concert Band

Forward March!

UP Student Center
II Concert Band sight reading  


Events today were at CMR High School
Rating Name Adjudicator / Room Title
II Breana Sawyer Kari Drange RM 220 Ancient Ayre
II Ian McKamey Bob Ledbetter RM 601 Yahoo Gahu
II Trent Lane Jesse Dochnahl AUD March
II Madasyn Faldzinski Jesse Dochnahl AUD Allegro
I Sierra Sorenson Mark Fenderson STEM Ancient Ayre
I Abby Einspahr Kari Drenge RM 220 Ancient Ayre
II Dr D & SS Mark Fenderson STEM Rhondeau
II Badger Jazz Jesse Dochnahl AUDITORIUM Sweet Georgia Brown



Congratulations to all our musicians on a job well done!!




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