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Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER)

Another round of funding Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) is being dedicated to public schools with the President's signing of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). This most recent funding is also referred to as ESSER III. 

ARP-ESSER State Plan and School District Plan Template: On August 5th, the U.S. Department of Education approved the ARP ESSER State Plan for Montana that the OPI had submitted on June 7th.  This action allows the OPI to begin transferring the remaining one-third of the ESSER III Fund balance to school districts.  It also gives the OPI an approved roadmap for helping our great Montana schools use this large influx of Federal funding to innovate and improve instruction for our Montana students.  Our plan recognizes local control, removes obstacles and barriers for schools, and enhances accountability without being overly burdensome.  

Below is Cascade School's ARP ESSER Plan, reviewed and updated April16, 2024.


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